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Management indicators used by SEO companies in Melbourne

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We will review the most used indicators among SEO companies in Melbourne depending on the communication channels used by our strategy. MLK Marketing is the most suitable choice within SEO companies in Melbourne if you want to boost sales and increase traffic in your website.

Indicators in Social Networks

Level of interaction that the user has:

  • Twitter you can measure number of retwetts, favorites and mentions.
  • Facebook can measure number of likes, shares and comments.
  • Instagram you can measure number of profile visits, number of clicks, number of likes

Community growth level:

  • Number of new followers
  • Number of followers who leave

Indicators for web page or blogs created by SEO companies in Melbourne:

  • Number of new and recurring users
  • Number of page views within our blog
  • Bounce Rate: How many users leave your page if they interact with it
  • Which channels are providing more traffic?
  • Time spent on the page

What are the keywords that provide the most traffic?

CTR (Click Through Ratio): Number of clicks that get our posts every time they are displayed by search engines. This is an essential aspect to be studied by SEO companies in Melbourne.

Indicators for e-mail marketing:

  • Number of subscribers in a given period.
  • Email opening rate
  • Percentage of clicks on links
  • Number of subscribers leaving
  • Subscribers by geographic location

In addition to the above, SEO companies in Melbourne must take into account management indicators, from the client’s perspective, that help determine the effectiveness of our content strategy in terms of the conversions that occur. In this aspect we mention 3 classics:

Content Marketing ROI: This is the calculation of the Return on Investment, which lets you know if the strategy gave the expected results in financial terms for the client. First, all expenses incurred are added, such as recording equipment, editing software, cameraman, professional editor, campaign paid on social networks, salaries of the company’s employees involved in marketing and sales. At MLK Marketing  as one of the leading SEO companies in Melbourne, we know the importance of understanding content marketing ROI in order to optimise performance.

On the other hand, the increase in sales resulting from the application of the strategy is identified with the client, and the ROI formula is applied: (Expenses – Increase in sales) / Increase in sales * 100. When positive, it implies that the Client recovered his investment and the content strategy was effective. SEO companies in Melbourne must understand this.

Lead percentages achieved: Refers to the percentage rate of clients achieved by the application of the content strategy. This applies to cases where customers are captured by means other than the content marketing strategy. In this case, the number of clients achieved by Content Marketing is simply divided by the total number of clients obtained by all the means used. This way you will know that the percentage of all clients was achieved through your content strategy. This is easier if you select one of the premium SEO Companies in Melbourne.

Cost per lead: This indicator helps you determine the cost of each potential client captured with the application of the strategy. For this, the costs of services that have been contracted must be identified, such as: design, infographics, etc. In general, the promotion and production costs incurred. That total cost is divided by the number of potential customers captured. This will give you the average of how much it costs to capture that potential client, and that is something all SEO companies in Melbourne understand well.

And after we have the management indicators and their results … what do we do?

With the results of the indicators in hand, the leading SEO companies in Melbourne now have to do the analysis management. In this way we can see how close or far we are from our goals.

Based on this, comes the decision-making that is necessary to correct if necessary, or to congratulate us because everything is going very well.

What do we gain by measuring our Content Marketing strategy?

Measuring means being confident about the strategies SEO companies in Melbourne create; as we get used to measuring, we will build a database of measurements that will help us a lot to improve our future strategies; among other things we refine our work and quality schemes, influencing the satisfaction of our customers. Specialised SEO companies in Melbourne know that the most important asset for any business are their customers and their brand.

Measuring means efficiency, for that reason it is essential to find the right business among SEO companies in Melbourne to take care of this; when we measure with quality and at the right time, decisions are made that allow us to improve costs, rationalise resources, avoid duplicate work.

The measurement of our processes, of our projects, of our plans is extremely important. And if you want them to be as precise as possible, you should then prefer the services of specialised SEO companies in Melbourne with the knowledge and experience required to perform marketing operations properly.

Never underestimate or leave it out. Marketing is always be present! The idea is to be able to guide the user to acquire your products or services, and this is how engagement works. If you want to ensure you are building a brand that earns loyalty from customers, then you should select the services of deluxe SEO companies in Melbourne.

Whether inside or outside the company, the ideal is that you can share with the consumer experiences, experiences and something very important, the attention they deserve. Remember that this is the most important thing, at the end of the day they will always be your base and your path to success.

With MLK Marketing you can boost your sales with our specialised web design and SEO practises from the leading option among SEO companies in Melbourne. You can trust our services as we work in order to boost our allied businesses digital presence. Call us now for more information.



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