Website Design and Development Company Australia

Website Design and Development Company Australia

MLK Marketing is your number one choice when it comes down to selecting a website design and development company Australia. With a plethora of years experience in our field we are confident that we have the reputation to tackle any scale project.


Understanding Your Business
Our first step in creating a strategy for your business to succeed online is to fully immerse ourselves in your company’s brand and industry. The completion of a detailed client questionnaire provides our expert marketing strategists with a strong, initial understanding of where your business currently stands including what currently works well and what needs improvement. Our team of SEO, social media, and pay-per-click experts meet with your in-house team to ask questions and use their experience to guide our initial strategy. This is a step alternative companies forget to do; hence why here at MLK Marketing we are the finest and most respected website design and development company Sydney.

Formulate a Timeline for Completion
After the completion of the client questionnaire, our team outlines a timeline to complete the online marketing strategy. This timeline includes a midpoint call or meeting in which our strategists present the first half of their findings. This midpoint meeting also provides an opportunity for our team to ask any questions that may have arisen during the first half of research. A final meeting and presentation is also scheduled where our marketing strategists will present the completed strategy. We are client oriented and it shows in our immense portfolio of high end businesses that liaise with us, the best website design and development company Australia, MLK Marketing.

Extensive Research
Next, our expert team begins building a comprehensive marketing strategy for your business to succeed online. During this phase, strategists conduct business analysis, research industry demographics and audiences, investigate site analytics, analyse competitor landscapes, and perform extensive keyword research. SEO, social media, email, and pay-per-click marketing are each evaluated in order to conclude which medium, or combination of media, will achieve the most optimal ROI. Contact us now!